Monday 4 November 2013

Photographer 4 - Chen Man

Chen Man
I have chosen this photographer as i like the way she captures colour within her fashion photography.Her work has revolutionized the way China and the rest of the world thinks about beauty.I Like the way in which all the women's skin appears flawless and slick and how she has shown beauty though bright and bold colours rather than be settle like other beauty photographs. Overall i like the way that she is bold and experimental with her photographs.

The composition of Chen Man's first image i have chosen is that there is a head shot of a women who has brightly colored make up on with almost purl looking skin. This makes the women skin appear flawless and sleek which a element of Chen Mans photographs. The models eye brows have been drawn on in dark black which make them standout from the white shiny skin. Colored patterns have been added to add to the elegance of the image and emphasize the beauty with in the photograph. 

The composition of Chen Man's second image i have chosen is that there is a shoulders up shot of a women with blue eye brows, yellow eyelids, pink under her eyes and red lips. All of the colors that are used standout from the matte looking white skin. The use of the bold within beauty and fashion photography is unusual however Chen Man uses the colors in an effective way and is still able to make the women appear flawless. The parts of her face that are in bold colors are the main features of the women's face and they are emphasize in positive way.

The composition of Chen Man's third image i have chosen is that there is a mid arm up of a women. All the element of the image are a sharp white colour or silver which make the image almost appear cold and that the women could be make of ice. All of the women features are highlighted by the use of a darker color such as on her cheek bones. This image is different from the other image as this one does not use any bright colours however it still carries on the idea of the women looking flawless and sleek.

The composition of Chen Man's forth image i have chosen is that there is a shoulders up shot of a young girl who has shuttle make up almost none at all. The fact that her hair is sleek back and her fringe in sleek on to forehead is portraying the flawless that Chen Man aims for. Her cheeks appear to have some blusher on which emphasizing the feature of her face which similar in the third image by Chen man.
This photographer has influenced me in a way in which i would like to experiment with making the model appear flawless maybe through soft focus. Also Chen Man's use of bright colours has made me realize that you can highlight specific parts of the face with different colours to make them stand out from the rest of the composition.

Overall i like this photographer as they have simply taken portrays of the model and then made the important elements of the face standout by using bright colours which possible could clash however Chen Man has made them compliment each other and portray the model in a positive way.

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