Wednesday 23 October 2013

Photographer 3- Franco Fontana

Franco Fontana
I have chosen Franco Fontana as one of my photographers to evaluate as I like the way he takes photographs of nature and landscapes and then emphasises the dull colour which are associated with nature and makes them all  bright and vibrant by using colours such as yellow, bright green and bright blue. This gives different twist to any other nature and landscape image as they are usually always green and fairly dull, this is what made Franco Fontana’s work stand out for me.

The composition of this Franco Fontana's first image is that there is a ordinary tree placed in the centre of a brightly coloured image with the sky bright blue and the grass and meadows being bright yellow and green. These bright colours almost make the tree out of focus as the colours are so bright they are the main focus. This is unusual as the object in an image is usually the main focus however Franco Fontana is more focused to the effect of the colour. I like the aspect of the bold colours as it easily established the different between the sky, the grass and the meadows due to the colours contrasting.

The composition of this Franco Fontana's second image is that there is a large amount of dull, dark green grass but then in the centre of the grass there are two patches which are bright yellow and red. This therefore contrasts against the dull green and they are much brighter. Also there is a white tree which is set between the two patches of yellow and red. This draws the attention to the tree as well as the colours as it is in the centre of the image therefore it is at central focus for the audience. As the tree is white it is easily able to stand out from the bright colours ever though white would be classed a dull colour.

The composition of this Franco Fontana's third image is that it is of an urban landscape which looks fairly new and modern.  The building is mainly grey, black and rather dull. This is then contrasted by two parts of the building which is brightly coloured. The two colours that are used are red and yellow and are both placed next to each other. This makes the main focus of the image the bright coloured section as they stand out from the rest of the building which is grey and black. This image is different from Franco Fontana’s other images as they are based on natural landscapes rather than urban however they both still use specific colours to have a central focus for the audience.

The composition of this Franco Fontana's forth image is that it is of a natural landscape which contains different shaded and tones of the same colour which allows the audience to separate the different parts of the landscape. This image doesn’t contain bright colours like Franco Fontana’s other photographer however the photograph still establishes the different elements within the landscape. There is tree in this image which is contrasting against the light green section of the landscape which enables the tree to stand out as it is fairly dark. The landscape in this photograph almost looks like it is getting higher due to the angle that it has been taken at.

This photographer has influenced me in a way in which i would like to create a twist on landscape images by adding colours you wouldn't necessarily associate with nature and maybe even use different shades of the same colour to separate the different aspects of the landscape itself.

Overall i like this photographer as i have never seen landscape images like this before as they are original and different to any other as he has completely ignored the traditional colours associated with nature and create a positive feel to the images. I feel like he portraying nature in a positive to empathize the importance of nature.

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