Monday 16 December 2013

Connecting Essay Five- Solve Sundbo

 Solve Sundbo has taken this portrait which looks very simplistic. Three main colours are used throughout the photograph which are red, black and white. All of these colours  contrast each well and make the women appear flawless. A shadow has been created on a section of the women's face which is showing form. The bright red lipstick standouts from everything else in the photograph and i feel this makes it the central focus for the audience. The women is looking directly a the camera which gives the photograph a personal aspect and makes a connection between the women and the audience. The women has a neutral facial expression meaning that no emotion is being shown, this i feel is gives the audience freedom to interpret the thoughts and feels of the women in the photograph. Overall the photograph appears natural rather then posed and simplistic.
In this photograph a shadow has been created on half of the face which is showing form. Three main colours are used throughout the photograph which are red, black and white. All of these colours contrast each well and balance each other well. The red hair stands out from the rest of the photograph and draws the audience to this part of the photograph. The composition is 75% taken up by the the face which is looking directly at the camera. This aspect of the photograph gives it a personal touch meaning the audience can connect with the person in the photograph.

Overall these two images connect as they have a specific colour which stand out from the rest of the photograph. Both of the girls are looking directly at the camera which gives the photograph a person aspect. This allows the audience to connect with the person in the photograph. Lastly both of the people in the photograph have a neutral facial expression therefore no emotion is being shown in the photograph. This allows the the audience to interpret it for themselves.

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