Friday 13 December 2013

Connecting Essay Three- David Bailey

David Bailey has used a white background to contrast the black suits that the two men are wearing. Both of the men have neutral facial expression making no emotion be portrayed through the photograph although by one man having his arms over the other man is portraying some sort of relationship between them. This could allow the audience to interpret the two men in a way in which they want to. Tone is shown at the bottom of this photograph on the mans hands and nails however is not shown throughout the whole photograph.

This photograph is portraying no specific emotion or atmosphere as she has a neutral facial expression. A soft focus has been applied to add to the innocence of the photograph and make it appear much more subtle. The dark colour of her top is contrasting the white background making her the main focus. A large amount of the composition is being taken up by the background which could be showing her lack of emotion within the photograph.

Overall both of these photographs connect as they both show no specific emotion due to the models showing a neutral facial expression. This allows the audience to essentially interpret their own opinion on the person in the photograph. Also both of the models in the photographs contrast the white background to make them the main focus and stand out. 

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