Friday 13 December 2013

Connecting Essay Two - Robert Mapplethorpe

 Robert Mapplethorpe is creating a simple photograph however the fact that only a small amount of the body is being shown creates some sort of mystery within the image. The fact that the photograph is black and white adds to the simplicity and makes it appear natural rather than posed. It makes the audience wonder what the rest of the person may look like. His arm covers the whole length of the composition which makes the audience wonder whether he is reaching out for something that we can not see. He is looking directly at the camera which i feel makes the audience engage with him as a person as he appears to be looking at them.

 This photograph has a sense of mystery to it as the audience may potentially not know what is the photograph. A small section of a person body is being shown which is the back. A large majority of the composition is taken up by the white background which creates a contrast of what is in the photograph and what is not in the photograph. This almost creates an element of emptiness because usually photographs are dominated by an object where as this photograph is not. The dark colour of the top is contrasting the light background and no shadows are created due to the use of neutral light .

Overall both of these photographs connect as they both create a sense of mystery due to only a section of the body being shown. Also both photographs are simple however make the audience wonder about the person. Neutral lighting is used in both photographs as no shadows are created. Lastly a large majority of the composition is taken up by the white background in both of these photograph which gives an element of emptiness to the photographs.

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