Tuesday 17 September 2013


 Blurring in photography is a way of showing movement in a still image.

 Here are some examples of blurring in photography.

 All these images are examples of blurring photography due to movement of either the camera or the object. Blurred movement photographs are so different from ordinary photographs as they show movement that the eye can not but the camera can.

In this example you can see individual movements made by the couple who are dancing and the more recent the dace moves are the more focused they are compared to the first movements that they would have done.

In this image movement is being shown by the background being blurred and the bear being in focus. The more blurred the background is, it makes it clear that the movement being made is fast.

The sane technique has been used in this image as you can tell that the dog has wind blowing in its face due to the the blurred background which is representing the movement.

 In the the last two images it is the actual object that is blurred rather than the background which is just an alternative way of showing movement. For me these images are more of an action shot as you have been able to what the eye can not see.

In this example the objects are moving which are the people. The movement that is being showing is them swinging on the swing which the camera can only capture. I like this example as it is showing more than objects movement.

Overall all of these images are highly effective as they show something that can not be seen in real life.

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