Tuesday 24 September 2013


The definition of depth

The distance from the top or surface of something to its bottom.
Distance from the nearest to the farthest point of something or from the front to the back

This first image shows depth as the camera is focused on the ground nearest to it making the distance appear further away and the path look as if it is coming to a point which i called converging parallels
This image shows depth in the way in which the colored light bulbs appear to be getting smaller due to the angle the image has been taken at however in fact all the bulbs are the same size but this is how it appears in the image
This image shows depth through converging parallels which makes the strings of the guitar seem further apart nearest to the camera and that they seem to become closer together the further you are away from the camera
This image shows depth in the way that the tree trunks become short as they become further away from the camera. Also there is a person at the back of the image which helps add to the depth as they look very little suggesting that she is far away like the trees

This image has a focal object of the leaf which appears the biggest and the most in focus. Depth is shown by everything after the leaf becoming out of focus to suggest that it is further away than the leaf.

This is the simple example of depth which is with a train track. The train track appears to be coming to a point which is converging parallels. This is how the depth is shows as the train seems to be long and far away.

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