Saturday 14 September 2013

Definition of a line

The dictionary definition of a line:
A long, narrow mark or band

Describing words for a line:
  • Long
  • Short
  • Thick
  • Thin
  • Straight
  • Curved
  • Narrow
  • Parallel
  • Horizontal 
  • Vertical

In the photograph it not just your straight line but it is curved lines which make this photograph some what different from other line photographs. The lines in this photography also give the element of confusion as it lines do not lead the viewer eye to anywhere specific in the photograph unlike other line photographs.

 In this example the lines have been created and were not there naturally. These lines are created by shadows on to a white surface which gives the perfect contrast to the black lines. The lines do not give any focus on the the table and chair as they are guiding the eye to the them.

In this photograph it lead the eye to one focal point which in this case in the windmill. When the lines look like they are coming to a narrow point its called converging parallel which is used very often in line photography as it gives the viewer a focal point in the photograph.

This image is showing line through the road within the photography. The lines that is being shown is a
waving line which is leading the audiences eye to the back of the photograph which is a dead end. This gives the photograph a sense of mystery and confusion as the audience do not know where the road is leading to. This allows them to invent their own interpretation of where the road is going to.

My own definition of a line would be a mark that leads the eye to another point.

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