Friday 13 September 2013


Lines in Photography

I have chosen some images which show examples of lines in photography.

In this example the lines are leading the audiences eye to the sky. The lines are gradually coming to a point which makes them appear narrower as they get further away. This is a technique called  converging parallel lines.

This example is full of lines. Firstly i can see the parallel line which is created by the tall buildings either side of the image, this is created by converging lines which lead the audiences eye to the man at the back of the image. This technique also makes the man seem further away with its longing effect. The other set of lines in the image are the shadows created by the buildings either side, these lines are horizontal which applies that the man is higher up than the person who has took the image.

This example shows lines at a different perspective. if you look closely at the hair in this image, its the lines that are created by the hair which make it seem longer. Also you cans see that the objects face is leading in the same direction as the lines which gives the image a overall flow.

This is image is another example of converging parallel lines which gives the effect of the lines starting wider and eventually coming to a point. Also the lines seem to become blurred as they become further away.

This is the classic example to show converging parallel lines which is with a train track. This is the most effective way of making the lines look like they disappear in the distance as the lines are constantly the same. Also the train track draws the viewers eye deeper into the image.

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