Friday 20 September 2013


pattern is a repeated decorative design.
There are two types of pattern, these are either man made or natural.

These first 2 photographs show pattern as they both have a continuous sequence of bricks and stone.

These would be man made patterns as the bricks and stones have been placed in a certain way to create the decorative pattern.
In this image the pattern is the continuous lines going through the leaf from the leafs spine. This is a natural pattern as the pattern occurs naturally rather than someone creating the pattern. The image of the zebra is also an example of natural pattern. You can see that the zebras head has symmetrical lines creating decorative pattern.

In this image the pattern has been created by the air creating ripples in the sand. This would be a natural pattern as it is created by the movement of the air.
Lastly this is an example of man made pattern. The tins have been placed in lines which creates the pattern in this image.


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