Tuesday 21 January 2014


i am going to experiment and practice applying make up in photoshop. I will then do a shoot and then begin to edit them by using the make-up effect.

Friday 17 January 2014

Mapplethorpe style(studio) Work Dairy

Mapplethorpe Style(studio)

In the beginning of this lesson we watched a documentary on Robert Mapplethorpe's photography. After this i went to shoot photographs which had been inspired by Robert Mapplethorpe in the studio.

In my first image i have photograph captured the back of the subject, I liked this photograph as it not obvious what is it, therefore a sense of mystery is created. The dark colours of her top contrast the  white background. Lastly there is no emotion being shown through the photograph.

In my second image i captured less than half of the subjects body which is to one side of the composition. The majority of the composition is taken up by the background. A contrast is created between what is in the image to what is not in the image.

If i was to continue with Mapplethorpe style in the studio i would like to concentrate on having a hand or an object coming from one of the corners of the compositon. 

Mapplethorpe style(location) Work Dairy

Mapplethorpe style(location)

In the beginning of this lesson we watched a documentary on Robert Mapplethorpe's photography. After this i went to shoot photographs which had been inspired by Robert Mapplethorpe on location.

I was inspired to take this first photograph as Robert Mapplethorpe liked to have a contrast of what was in the photograph against what was not in the photograph. In my photograph i decided to capture the flower in the corner of the composition as that it was not taking up the majority of the composition. The majority of the composition is then replaced by a meaningless background.

 I was inspired to take this photograph as Robert Mapplethorpe's photograph are very simplistic. I made my photograph simple by only showing a section of the subject and the wall taking up the majority of the composition. Also the section of the face that the audience can see has a neutral facial expression therefore no specific emotion is being portrayed through the photograph.

If i was to continue with Mapplethorpe style on location i would like to experiment more with the simplicity of the photograph and carry on having the majority of the composition being taken up by the background.

Free Shoot Work Dairy

Free Work Dairy

In this lesson we was able to go into the studio and have a free shoot, this allowed me to take photographs of whatever i wanted which would have a positive impact on my work i have so far. I experimented with the background and was able to create a real white background and a real black background.

In my first image i was able to create a white background which almost make the subject appear to have been placed in the image. I wanted the subject to be in the center of the photograph so that the audience would focus on her. I would have liked to have the subject wearing darker clothes so that she could stand out even more from the white background.

In my second image i created a black background by stopping any light hitting the backdrop. I decided to only capture the hair in the corner of the photograph as i feel it creates a sense of mystery and makes the audience wonder who hair it is. A large amount of the composition is being taken up by the background which i liked as it is different from many photograph as they usually have a large amount of the composition taken up by the subject

If i was to continue with my frees shoot i would like to experiment more with the white background by using it in a way in which the appears to be floating.

Contrast Two Work Dairy

Contrast Two Work Dairy

In this lesson i went out to shot contrast again as i realized that contrast can be seen within opposites such as black and white, up and down and on and off.

Here are my two most successful images from contrast

 In my first image i wanted to show the contrast of colour and i chose to use red, white and black. I want to take individual images of the colours and then place them next to each other to make the contrast clear to the audience.

In my second image i wanted to show the contrast of light and dark s i decided to show it through different colour hair.
I placed both of the people nest to each other
but only showing half of each person head so
that each colour would be seen equally.

If i was to continue with contrast i would like to experiment with contrast within race and culture as i feel this would be interesting for the audience.

Contrast One Work Dairy

Contrast One Work Dairy

In this lesson i shot images of contrast. At first i didn't really understand what this mean however when looking around i realized that there are contrasts everywhere around us.

Here are my two most successful images of contrast

 My first image is showing contrast through light and dark. The shadowed areas is contrasting the area that is in the light. I edited the image to make the section in the light much brighter so that it stands out from the dark area even more.

My second image is showing the shadow of a stair case on to a wall. The fact that the shadow is black, this make it contrast the wall which is lighter than the shadow. When editing the images i made the shadow sharp and defined to make the contrast more obvious.

If i was continue with contrast i would like to show contrast through opposites such as on and off and high and low.

Walk Two Work Dairy

Walk Two Work Dairy

In this lesson, as a class, we went out for a walk to continue with autumn colours and also images that show quiet refection within nature. I tried to look at the image in a way in which people could relate to the image.

Here are my two most successful images from the walk

In my first image i wanted to show how people are individual in society through leaves. By editing the leaves so that one is in colour is showing individuality as well as a journey that is still going on.

In my second image i wanted to show someones journey. The path in the image is then representing the the path of life. I liked the way that the path was in the centre of the composition as it sets the central focus for the image.

If i was to continue with the walk i would have liked to takes some images of the sky as it would be very simple however people would be able to get lost within the image.