Friday 17 January 2014

Contrast One Work Dairy

Contrast One Work Dairy

In this lesson i shot images of contrast. At first i didn't really understand what this mean however when looking around i realized that there are contrasts everywhere around us.

Here are my two most successful images of contrast

 My first image is showing contrast through light and dark. The shadowed areas is contrasting the area that is in the light. I edited the image to make the section in the light much brighter so that it stands out from the dark area even more.

My second image is showing the shadow of a stair case on to a wall. The fact that the shadow is black, this make it contrast the wall which is lighter than the shadow. When editing the images i made the shadow sharp and defined to make the contrast more obvious.

If i was continue with contrast i would like to show contrast through opposites such as on and off and high and low.

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