Friday 17 January 2014

Contrast Two Work Dairy

Contrast Two Work Dairy

In this lesson i went out to shot contrast again as i realized that contrast can be seen within opposites such as black and white, up and down and on and off.

Here are my two most successful images from contrast

 In my first image i wanted to show the contrast of colour and i chose to use red, white and black. I want to take individual images of the colours and then place them next to each other to make the contrast clear to the audience.

In my second image i wanted to show the contrast of light and dark s i decided to show it through different colour hair.
I placed both of the people nest to each other
but only showing half of each person head so
that each colour would be seen equally.

If i was to continue with contrast i would like to experiment with contrast within race and culture as i feel this would be interesting for the audience.

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