Friday 17 January 2014

Line Work Dairy

Lines Work Diary

In this lesson i made an image bank on lines on photography. I found 6 images that i liked and annotated them. I then went out to shoot lines which i found easy as there are lines everywhere you just have to be creative about it. Things like walls, floors, radiators ect all show lines. 

 In my first image i feel was my best photograph as the whole image is focused on lines and also it has a aspect of depth which makes the lines to appear as if they are coming to a point the further away they   go from the camera.  

This is not my best photograph as it is not totally focused on the lines. This is because you can see some of the background which may distract the audience from not focusing on the lines in the photograph.

If i was to continue with lines in photography i would try to find different types of lines such as curved rather than just straight. I feel this will make my photographs more interesting for the audience.

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