Friday 17 January 2014

Free Shoot Work Dairy

Free Work Dairy

In this lesson we was able to go into the studio and have a free shoot, this allowed me to take photographs of whatever i wanted which would have a positive impact on my work i have so far. I experimented with the background and was able to create a real white background and a real black background.

In my first image i was able to create a white background which almost make the subject appear to have been placed in the image. I wanted the subject to be in the center of the photograph so that the audience would focus on her. I would have liked to have the subject wearing darker clothes so that she could stand out even more from the white background.

In my second image i created a black background by stopping any light hitting the backdrop. I decided to only capture the hair in the corner of the photograph as i feel it creates a sense of mystery and makes the audience wonder who hair it is. A large amount of the composition is being taken up by the background which i liked as it is different from many photograph as they usually have a large amount of the composition taken up by the subject

If i was to continue with my frees shoot i would like to experiment more with the white background by using it in a way in which the appears to be floating.

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