Friday 17 January 2014

Walk Two Work Dairy

Walk Two Work Dairy

In this lesson, as a class, we went out for a walk to continue with autumn colours and also images that show quiet refection within nature. I tried to look at the image in a way in which people could relate to the image.

Here are my two most successful images from the walk

In my first image i wanted to show how people are individual in society through leaves. By editing the leaves so that one is in colour is showing individuality as well as a journey that is still going on.

In my second image i wanted to show someones journey. The path in the image is then representing the the path of life. I liked the way that the path was in the centre of the composition as it sets the central focus for the image.

If i was to continue with the walk i would have liked to takes some images of the sky as it would be very simple however people would be able to get lost within the image.

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