Friday 17 January 2014

Colour Work Dairy

Colour Work Diary

In this lesson we did an image bank on colour showing examples of colour in photography and then annotating each image. When i went out to shoot colour i found it fairly easy as colour is everywhere. I found contrasting colours on walls and brightly coloured flowers which stand out from the leafs. I enjoyed taking photographs of colour as you can be creative with it by shooting certain colours to have a positive effect on the photograph.

Here are 2 of the photographs i took in this lesson:

In this first photograph that i took shows the vibrant orange berries standing out from the green leaves. i feel this was one of by best photographs as it represents colour within nature.

In this photograph i am showing colour in a simple way but shooting contrasting colours. This image has no central focus as it just contains 2 block colours of white and green. 

If i was to continue with colour in photograph i would try and have as little elements in the photograph so that the image is focused on the colour rather than the elements in it. 

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