Friday 17 January 2014

Mapplethorpe style(studio) Work Dairy

Mapplethorpe Style(studio)

In the beginning of this lesson we watched a documentary on Robert Mapplethorpe's photography. After this i went to shoot photographs which had been inspired by Robert Mapplethorpe in the studio.

In my first image i have photograph captured the back of the subject, I liked this photograph as it not obvious what is it, therefore a sense of mystery is created. The dark colours of her top contrast the  white background. Lastly there is no emotion being shown through the photograph.

In my second image i captured less than half of the subjects body which is to one side of the composition. The majority of the composition is taken up by the background. A contrast is created between what is in the image to what is not in the image.

If i was to continue with Mapplethorpe style in the studio i would like to concentrate on having a hand or an object coming from one of the corners of the compositon. 

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