Friday 17 January 2014

Form Work Dairy

Form Work Dairy
In this lesson  i made a image bank on form and then went out side to shoot photographs of form by using shadows to make the 2D image show the 3D element of the object in the photograph.

 Here are two of my most successful image in showing form. In the first image you can simply see that one side of the wall is in the light and the other side is shadow. Therefore this makes the wall appear 3D in the 2D image.

In my second image the metal trolley is creating shadow of lines all on the wall behind it. This is showing  form because for the trolley to create this shadow it must be 3D.

If i was to continue with form i would like to try and show form on the face as i found this hard in today's lesson due to light not being harsh enough to create strong shadows on the face.

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