Friday 17 January 2014

Pattern Work Dairy

Pattern Work Dairy

In this lesson i made an image bank on pattern and annotated them saying whether they was man-made or natural patterns. I also said how they where effective and how the pattern was created.  When i went out to shoot pattern i found it hard to find a continuos pattern with natural elements therefore i found more patterns within man-made elements.

Both of these photographs are an example of what i took for pattern in photography, They are both man made patterns as i found it hard to find natural patterns within the area i was in. These are both simple patterns as they only have one aspect which in this cake is the diagonal dashes and the straight squares. My second image could have been more focused on the pattern as there is other things in the image.

If i was to continue to shoot pattern i would try and find more natural patterns and also avoid having any other object in the photograph such as leafs as this i feel ruins the pattern.

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