Friday 17 January 2014

Tone Work Dairy

Tone Work Dairy

In this lesson i made an image bank on tone which included image that i found interesting and then i  annotated them. When going out to shoot tone i found it very hard to figure out whether there will be a visible tone when i was taking the image in colour.

Here is my most successful image as i feel it showed the most tone out of all my image. Although this image is just simply a light and dark colour next to each other i feel it was my best image as it has the darkest tone and the lightest tone within the image.

The second image i feel is my least successful as it was all one tone. This is due to me finding it hard to look for different tones when shooting in colour.

If i was to continue with tone i would take the images in black and white to have more successful images as i will be able to see the different tones much easier.

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