Saturday 5 October 2013

Definition of Blurring

definition of blurring
Make or become unclear or less distinct: "tears blurred her vision"; "the pages blurred".

Describing words for blurring

  • unclear
  • misty
  • distorted
  • murky
This images shows blurring by the woman moving fast which allows the camera to capture the movement. It is shown through blurring as it is the only way we are able to see movement in a still image,

This image is also showing blurring by the car moving rapidly around the corner. The car is the only object that is blurred which shows that it is the only object that is moving.

This image is showing blurring by the lite up wheel spinning around in circles. The lights on the wheel almost make the wheel appear to be just spinning lights. The bright lights draws the audience to the wheel making it the central focal point.

Lastly this image is showing blurring in a different way . The background of the image is blurred and the car is focused,  this still make the car to appear as if it moving as the blurred background is representing the car passing it.

My definition of blurring is the way movement is shown within a still image.

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