Monday 21 October 2013

Definition of Form

Definition of Form
The visible shape or configuration of something.

Describing words for form:
  • Shadows
  • 3D
  • rounded 
  • square  
  • rectilinear 
  • puffed up 
  • slim 
  • fat 
  • accelerating
This first image is showing form as panels in the photograph are making shadows on each other which shows the 3D nature of the image. The mass amount of lines created by the shadows within this photograph, for me creates an element of confusion and mystery. Shadows is just one of the ways of showing the 3D nature of a abject which is in a 2D photograph. 

This image is showing form by the shadows of the building on the grass as we are able to tell that the building is 3D even though it is a 2D image. The longing of the shadows makes the building seem taller than it actually may be as well as showing its 3D nature. The shadows are sharp and solid which could be portraying the building to solid and strong.

In this third image it is showing the shadow of the stairs on to the wall. This is showing form due to the fact that the stairs create a shadow as 2D objects don't create a shadow where as 3D objects do. It almost looks like there are two sets of stairs due to the shadow being very defined and sharp, it appears sturdy enough to be actual stairs. As well as showing the shadow showing the 3D nature of the stair, it also shows how solid it by the darkness of the shadow.

Lastly in this image the shadow underneath the umbrella is showing form as it shows the audience that the object is 3D rather than just 2D within the image. The shadows appear to have a jagged edge which could be portraying the movement of the umbrella in the wind as well as its 3D nature.

My Definition of form is the 3D nature of an object

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