Tuesday 8 October 2013

Reflection image back

This first  image is showing the reflection of flowers on to water. The brightness of the flower makes the reflection clear and easy to see. Also the fact that the water is still, the refection is not distorted.  In this second image, the funfair is being reflected on to water aswell. However the fair ground wheel appears to be stretched making the reflection appear distorted.

In this image the refection of the bird is not as clear cut and sharp as the flower reflection. This is because the water is moving which is causing the reflection to be distorted.
In this second image the reflection is created by a puddle. All you can see is the reflection which is different from the other images as they contain the object and the reflection.
In this image the reflection is almost separating the sea and sky. All of the reflections in this image are black which contrasts the bright sun in the background.

In this last image it is just showing the reflection of a small section of the tree in a puddle. You are easily able to distinguish what the reflection is a the water in the puddle is still.

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