Monday 21 October 2013

Form Image Bank

 In these first two image half of the object is darker than the other. In the first image the cats face is half in the light and the other half is much darker. In the second image on if the hands is darker than the other. Both of these images effectively show form by half of the object being darker. This is one of the ways of showing an objects 3D nature.

 In the image of the person is creating a shadow on the wall. This shows the audience that the person is 3D and is one of the ways of showing form. In the image of the stairs, the stairs have also created a shadow on the wall. This is making it obvious that the stairs are 3D therefore it this image effectively shows form.

In this image the cup handle is shadowed onto the cup. The fact that this a 2D image, the shadows gives the image more depth is showing that the object(cup) is 3D. Lastly the image of the arch is showing form by the top of the arch being darker and in the shadow and underneath the arch being in the light. Also the shadow of the arch on the floor shows form as it shows the 3D nature of the object

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