Tuesday 22 October 2013

Research log

Pete Turner

Pete turner takes photographs that are mainly brightly coloured which contrast each other. Also his photographs show shape as well as color, which I find highly effective. I like Pete Turner’s work as I like the use of bold colors.


Photographs A-Z by Hans-Michael Koetzle

Charles (rettew) Sheeler         focused on photography in the industrial area which shows shadows on the building which is an aspect of form. Personally this is not my favourite type of photograph as I don’t fine it creative.

David Bailey

Photographs A-Z by Hans-Michael Koetzle

David bailey is famously known for fashion photography. All of his photographs are in black and white which I like as it shows tone within the image.

Solve Sundbo

Photographs A-Z by Hans-Michael Koetzle

Solve Sundbo projects patterns onto people’s skin. I like Solve Sundbo photography because the patterns standout clearly from the objects making that the main feature.

Corinne Vionnet
Corinne Vionnet

Photographs A-Z by Hans-Michael Koetzle

Corrine Vionnet merges loads of a similar image together of a famous tourist attraction. I like her work as it shows all the different people at the attraction but very faintly.

Franco Fontan
Franco Fontan

Photographs A-Z by Hans-Michael Koetzle

He is best known for his abstract colour landscapes. I like his work as it is twist on natural landscapes as they usually not very colourful.

Phillip Klinger
Phillip Klinger

Phillip Klinger focuses on shape and pattern photography that also have aspect of depth, which I personally like.

Adrienne Adam
Adrienne Adam

One aspect Adrienne Adam focuses on is patterning which mainly within nature. I’m unsure on this artist, as I don’t find the patterns interesting.

Christopher Martin

Christopher Martin

Christopher Martin focuses on motion blur photography. I like his work as it shows movement that we can’t see in real life.

Eliot Porter

Photographs A-Z by Hans-Michael Koetzle

Eliot Porter is best known for his colour photography of nature. I like Eliot Porters photographs as they show nature in a brighter way than we see it in real life

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