Monday 7 October 2013

Definition of reflection

Definition is reflection
The throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it

Describing words for reflection

  • mirror image
  • expression
  • absorption 
  • same
  • identical

This photograph is showing the reflection of a can of drink in a puddle. Puddles are one way of creating a reflection. In some cases the reflection from a puddle does not come out as sharp and defined as other reflection however in this case the can can be seen clearly due to the plain dark background that it is contrasting against.

This photograph is showing the reflection of a black and white feather on what looks like to be a mirror. Using a mirror to create reflection is one of the simplest ways there is. The reflection of the feather appears to be blurred and not as sharp as the actually feather. This makes it easy to separate the different between the reflection and the actually feather itself. The black and white stripes are also easily defined in the reflection due to them being simple but bold.

This photograph is showing the reflection of a green scenery which is being reflected on to the lake in the photograph. In the reflected scenery some of the elements appear to be longer than they really are. The fact that the sky is also reflected onto the lake it makes the lake almost look like it is not there and that it is actually the sky.The lake is still meaning that the reflection is able to look sharp and almost real.

This is photograph is showing reflection in two ways. The first way is the reflection on the lake that they swans are in, and the second way is the two swans being opposite each other which almost shows a mirror reflection. The dark water makes the two swans and their reflection standout even more and therefore they appear much more sharp and defined.

My definition of reflection is throwing back of a object.

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