Sunday 6 October 2013

Definition of Shape

Definition of shape
The external form or appearance of someone or something.

Describing words for shape
  • round
  • square
  • rounded
  • oval
  • narrow
  • wide

In this photograph shape is being shown through a shadow. The shadow of the ring on the book is not what people would expect as it creates a love heart which is divided by the center of the book. Therefore the central focus is the shadow as it is not the shape we would expect from the ring.

In this photograph there are 2 black swans who necks are creating the shape. Their necks almost make the shape of a heart which i feel is strange as the swans are black which doesn't relate to love whereas white swans do. The neutral background allows the swans to stand out and be the central focus of the photograph.

In this there is a shape created around the tall building in the background. This shape is therefore giving the image a focal point of the building as it is being highlighted by the the shape around it .The angle at which the photograph has been taken almost makes the building look like it could fit through the shape that has been created.
My definition of shape is the outline of something.

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