Thursday 3 October 2013


In this Unit we are going to be study the formal Elements.
The formal elements are:
  •  Line
  •   Colour
  •   Shape
  •   Pattern
  •   Depth
  •  Blurring
  • Tone
  • Form
  • texture
  • reflection

We are study formal elements as it is the basics of photography and it allows you to build up a different view on how to take a good photograph which is likely to be different from what it used to be. The formal elements allow you to show simple things in everyday like in a different aspect which is more interesting for the audience. In some aspect of the formal elements such as blurring you are able to show things in the photograph that you are unable to see with the human eye.

In this Unit I am going to do image banks and work diaries for each of the formal elements to show my progression from looking at other people photographs on the formal elements to me taking my own photographs of the formal elements.

The formal elements help us break down aspect of everyday life in to a series of images, here are examples of how the formal elements are shown through everyday things

Line can be shown in things such as brick walls, blinds, railway tracks, hair etc
Shape can be shown in things such as silhouettes, shadows, windows, drains, signs etc
Pattern can be either natural or man made, example of man made pattern would be within wooden planks on the floor, drain covers, clothes. Natural patterns can be shown in thing such as leaves, flowers, animals etc
Depth can be shown in things such as rows of windows, radiators, walls, tables etc
Blurring can be shown in things such as cars, humans, anything that creates movement etc
Tone can be shown in things such as room with windows, forests, plants etc
Form can be shown in things such as people, door handles, trees, buildings etc
Texture can be shown in things such as wall, tree trunks, sand paper, windows etc
Reflection can be shown in things such as mirrors, glass, cars, glasses, puddles etc

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