Sunday 6 October 2013

Definition of Depth

Definition of Depth

  1. The distance from the top or surface of something to its bottom.
  2. Distance from the nearest to the farthest point of something or from the front to the back.

Describing words for Depth
  • hollow
  • bottomless
  • shallow
  • deep
In this image the 3 cars gradually become out of focus the further away they are from the camera. This adds depth as the nearest car appears to be the main focus, the fact the you are still able to see the other cars even they are not as defined allow depth to be further shown within the image. This is also due to the fact that all the colours that are uses are bold and simple which contrasted the light blue floor within the photograph.

This photograph shows depth as the trees nearest to the camera appear to be taller and as they become further away they appear to be smaller. The trees also become lighter as they become further away compared to the trees nearer to the camera which are dark green and brown. The person standing at the back of the photograph, looks very small compared to the trees which emphases how far away the last tress are from the camera.

This image shows depth by the field appearing to come to a point the further away it becomes from the camera. This effect is called converging parallels which is just one of the ways of showing depth within a 2D photograph. The sky appears to be very low to the ground in this photograph which i feel add to the depth within the image.

In this image is showing depth as the nearest part of the coke can is in focus and the furthest end of the coke can is not in focus which gives the effect that it is further away and maybe it longer than it actually is. This has been successful in showing depth in this case due to the angle at which the photograph has been taken.

My definition of depth is a way of showing the distance or length of something.

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