Thursday 3 October 2013

photographer 1- Solve Sundbo

I have chosen Solve Sundbo because I like the way he projects the patterns on to the person which makes it different from any other pattern photograph. I feel this a alternative way of showing man made patterns as it is much more creative and individual compared to other patterns. Lastly i like the aspect that they patterns also highlight specific features of the model such as their lips which are always brightly colors.

In image one it is a close up of a woman with white pale skim and large projected circles are on her face, arms and hair. The circles are more visible on her skins than her hair as the paleness of her skin makes the circles sharp and standout in the photograph. One of the circles is around her mouth which may be to focus the audience at her lips which are blue in this case. This is effective as the whole photograph is in black and white except from her lips which may be to highlight a significant feature.

In image two it is a medium close up of a woman pouting. This photograph is different from image one as the circles are black shadows whereas before they was hollow circles which allowed the audience to see model. In this image the black circles over up some parts of the woman’s skin which may be highlighting that she has something to hide maybe. The woman is wearing bright red lip stick in this photograph which standouts from the pale skin, the fact that she is pouting may be suggesting that her lips are significant in the photograph.

In the third image the woman has thin lines projected on to her skin; this can either represent pattern or lines as it is effective in both ways in this photograph. As all of the lines are thin but there is a mass amount of them, this almost covers the whole of the woman body which may be suggesting that she is not allowed to show her body and that she is hiding behind the lines. The lines could represent prison bars which could imply that the woman is tapped behind bars.

Lastly in the fourth image the same technique has been used however smalls shadowed circles have been projected however there are more which still covers a fair amount of the woman body. Due to the women’s body being pale and then having a continuous pattern projected one it her features almost disappear making her look more like an object than a human being.  Similar to the other photographs the woman has bright pink lips which standout from her pale skin giving the image a focal point.

Influence  This photographer has influenced me in a way in which i want to try to use form and pattern at the same time to create a interesting image. When taking my own photographs as i am more aware of how to make certain aspects standout like this photographer does by using black shadows against white pale skin. 

Overall i really like this photographer as they change the composition of the image however keep the same pale skinned model to make the pattern shadow stand out. I also like the element of the bright lips which is continuos throughout all of this photographers series of image. 

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