Tuesday 1 October 2013


Tone in photography is the range of the lightest to the darkest parts of an image

Here are examples of tone in photography

This is the classic example of tone in photography which is back and white. In this photograph the clouds are the lightest part of the photograph and the ground would be the darkest part of the of the photograph. The tone works well in this photograph as the two subjects are either wearing black or white as this is from a wedding day.

In this photograph the tone has a hint of purple, this gives the image a era of mystery.  This takes any positive atmosphere that could have been present. This image has its darkest tones in mountains and its lightest tones in the sky.

All of these image show tone either through black and white or sepia however they all have there darkest tones and there lightest tones which is usually the sky. All of the images contain different shades of the tone which make them so effect in representing tone. In the image of the horses, each horse shows a different tone meaning the furthest away horse has the darkest tone and the middle horse has the lightest tone.

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