Tuesday 8 October 2013

Definition of Texture

The definition of Texture
The feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or a substance: "skin texture"; "the cheese is firm in texture"; "the textures of bark".

Describing word for Texture

  • rough
  • smooth
  • bumpy
  • shiny
  • furry
  • slimy
  • soft
  • silky

This image is showing a rough, bumpy texture. The low angle at which the photograph has been taking at, you are able to see the individual bumps with in the texture which makes look how it would feel if you was touching it. The subtle colours allow this photograph to just be focus on the texture and nothing else. Also the lighting is playing a part in showing the texture in a way in which it is hitting the object in a specific way to create a shadow. This makes the texture more easier to see for the audience.

This photograph is showing the texture on a leaf. The close up of the leaf shows all the individual crease on the leaf. This texture looks like it is rough due to all the deep creases in the leaf. The fact that the photograph is taken straight on and you can still easily see the different elements of the texture shows how deep each of the individual creases are and maybe how long it has taken for this texture to form.

This photograph is showing the skin of a starfish, which appears to be rough by the individual circle bumps covering the starfish's skin. Also the lighting is playing a part in showing the texture in a way in which it is hitting the object in a specific way to create a shadow. This makes the texture more easier to see for the audience along with the use of a low angle.

This photograph is of a roll of hay. The texture of the hay appears to be dry however fairly soft by the way it is able to rolled up. The brownness of image is further showing the dry texture of the rolled up hay. In this image, i can almost imagine what the hay actually feels like through the way this photograph is portraying the texture.

My definition of texture is the way of showing how something feels within a photograph.

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