Sunday 6 October 2013

Definition of Tone

Definition of Tone

Definition of Tone
Tone consist of shadings from white-to-gray-to-black, or it may consist of dark's against lights with little or no grays

Describing words for Tone

  • Dark
  • Light
  • Sepia
  • Darkest
  • Lightest
This image contains two tones, the larger keys on the piano being the lightest tone and the smaller keys on the piano being the darkest tone. Both of these tones contrast each other as one is dark and one is lights which is the simplest way of showing tone in photography.

This image has a sepia tone which is more brown than black. The darkest tone in this image is in the furthest away chest pieces and the darker squares on the board. The lightest tone in the image is shown in the nearest chest pieces and the lightest squares on the chest board. These light tones are then contrasted by darker browns with establish the different players within the game.

In this photograph it has very dark tone which in some cases are completely black. The clouds in this photograph are full of all different shades of tone which makes some of the clouds appear more dense than others. The dark and light tones contrast each other to make the individual elements standout from one another.

This image uses tone to make the horse standout from the background as it has the darkest tone in the photograph, this almost makes the horse become a silhouette as you can just see the basic features of the horse. This image is showing the different tones of brown rather than black which is more commonly used.

My definition of tone is the range from darkest to lightest within a image.

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